Korea Western Power, a afilliate of KEPCO, a government owned enterprise, is taking care of electric power development and power business in Korea. We own over 45 power generation units in Taean, Pyoungtaek, Incheon and Gunsan. Also, we maintain good relations with both domestic and foreign companies for the supply of electric power equipment all over the world.
We procure all equipment with fairness and openness, and we welcome all international business in the field of electric power equipment. Both foreign and domestic suppliers are treated in a equal and non-discriminatory manner.
We want to widen business opportunities and develop relationships with new suppliers throughout the world. This guide should answer any questions of potential supplier may have, by providing basic information about Korea Western Power's procurement rules and practices for possible business opportunities.
We sincerely hope that you will take the time to review this guide and participate with us, to our mutual advantage, in meeting the business challenge.
Fairness and openness
Korea Western Power will not discriminate against any potential supplier on the basis of nationality or any other non-economic factor. Business opportunities and procurement procedure are open to any supplier who is capable of providing a quality
product with satisfactory service. Korea Western Power always welcomes unsolicited proposals and presentations on equipment for power plants.
Achievement Management Goal and Mutual Trust
Korea Western Power knows how important the role of supplier is in achieving our management goals. Mutual trust between power utility and equipment supplier guarantees economical and stable supplies of electric power to the end users. Korea Western Power strives to build good business relationships based on mutual trust.